An adult leader teaches a class of elementary students about geology

About our co-op

Welcome to St. Stephen Homeschool Co-Op, a group of Roman Catholic, homeschooling families in Hamilton, Ohio. We are registered with the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

In all fidelity to Sacred Scripture and the timeless Magisterium and Doctrine of the Catholic Church, and recognizing our parental responsibility as the primary educators of our own children, we come together to lead our children in the cultivation of virtue and to form them as faithful Catholics and citizens of the United States and Ohio (or their respective state), and members of our parishes and local community.

Current and Recent Subjects

Here are just some of the classes that our children have recently enjoyed. Teachers are encouraged to share their broad range of knowledge and experience in the formation of our children. 

Learn More

Gregorian Chant

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed mollis ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Homesteading Science

Cras eu blandit eros. Mauris in pulvinar nibh. In lorem mi, interdum fringilla ipsum et, placerat blandit ante. Aliquam in fringilla lacus. Sed tellus elit, pulvinar vitae sem at, gravida tempus magna.

Business Management

Nulla facilisi. Integer lobortis blandit nulla eget dictum. Etiam efficitur turpis eu magna dictum commodo. Ut commodo vestibulum ullamcorper. 

Physical Education

Mæcenas consectetur arcu eget libero vulputate mollis. Proin vestibulum justo ut lectus dapibus tincidunt.

Emergency Preparedness

Nunc vulputate arcu id leo bibendum, nec porttitor ligula elementum. Vestibulum id erat sollicitudin, euismod purus et, vestibulum nulla. Morbi egestas libero ut leo pulvinar consectetur.

Hobby Electronics

Ut in justo volutpat, egestas justo quis, tincidunt lectus. Vivamus fermentum sapien ac ipsum feugiat, sed hendrerit enim lacinia.

Recent Feedback

We have enjoyed learning more about our faith in the morning meeting and being around like-minded people. I love my children learning from other people as well. I like that it is laid back and shorter teaching commitments.




We are so grateful for this co-op! Truly an answer to prayers!